How Can A Roof Leak Be Repaired?

Blog originally published on July 7, 2017. Updated on July 15, 2022.

When watermarks start appearing on ceilings or moisture runs down a wall, chances are you have a roof leak. Many homeowners and do-it-yourselfers can handle a minor repair with calling roofing companies. But the first hurdle will be finding the sources. Water tends to trail along beams and gravity pulls it away from the original source before etching a stain.

If you have an angled, asphalt shingled roof, finding the leak will either be incredibly obvious or you may need Sherlock Holmes and a magnifying glass. Intense wind storms often tear or loosen shingles and these are quite noticeable. Extreme heat and age can cause them to curl and crack. Either way, the source should be fairly obvious. You might also suffer roof damage from storms, debris, or years of regular wear and tear.

Roof leak repairs are often considered emergencies. If they're not taken care of quickly, your personal property could suffer water stains and other damage. Below, we explore common causes of a leaky roof — and how you can fix them!

Replacing Roof Shingles to Stop or Prevent Roof Leaks

A new roof or full roof replacement can be avoided because, in many cases, you just need to replace shingles. Missing shingles leave a home vulnerable to a leaky roof. To replace shingles, start by lifting the bad ones and those surrounding them. Use a pry bar to gently lift the roofing nails without creating additional damage. With the nails gone, slide the shingles out of place and check the underlying tar paper. If it has been compromised, it’s okay to spot layer over it.

Many homes have asphalt shingles, fiberglass shingles, or even organic shingles. Shingle replacement should always start with bottom rows then overlap. Because you’re making a repair, lift the upper most existing row with a utility knife last and nail under it. Look out for other patches and places with missing nails in need of replacement.

Roof Deck Replacement

In addition to shingles, there's the roof deck, also known as roof sheathing. This is the wood roofing material beneath the shingles. Replacing the roof sheathing might also be necessary during a roof leak repair.

Repairing Seals

The caulking around things like pipes, chimneys, and skylights is another common source of roof leaks. Over time, the caulking tends to retract, crack, and allow moisture to penetrate. Most DIY folks can clear away the old roof material and use a caulking gun to reseal the gaps. If that doesn’t do the trick, the problem may be the underlying flashing or a more significant problem. The average property owner with no roofing expertise may never find it. In these cases, it's time to call in the professional roofing contractors.

Routine Maintenance for Roof Vents

If a roof vent pipe is leaking water, the rubber boot may be cracked or worn. This allows rainwater to collect and invade the home. Fortunately, roof vents can often be repaired with a bit of roofing cement and a putty knife.

Leaking Roof Raining on Your Parade? For Fast Roof Repair, Call Orlando Leak Detection

Minor roof repairs aren’t that difficult to fix. However, if you aren’t sure about the source of a roof leak or the problem appears to be more than a quick, cosmetic fix, leave it to the roof repair professionals at Orlando Leak Detection. Don't let water damage turn into a costly problem, necessitating extensive repairs.

Contact a professional roofing contractor from Orlando Leak Detection for the best water leak detection and roof leak repairs today. We're your trusted emergency roof repair pros!

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